Terracotta sarcophagus with man and woman
Site: Cerveteri
Region: Etruria
Country: Italy
Period: Etruscan
Date: ca. 510-500 BC
The Apollo of Veii
Site: Veii
Region: Etruria
Country: Italy
Period: Etruscan
Dates: ca. 510-490 BC
Temple of Portunus
Site: Rome, Forum Boarium
Country: Italy
Period: Republican
Dates: late 2nd century BC
Veristic portrait of a man
Style: Veristic
Period: Republican
Date: ca. 50 BC
The Primaporta Augustus
Site: Villa of Livia at Prima Porta
Country: Italy
Period: Early Roman / Early Imperial
Dates: early 1st century AD
Gemma Augustea
Medium: cameo
Site: Rome
Country: Italy
Period: Early Roman / Early Imperial / Julio-Claudian
Dates: early 1st century AD
Portrait of Caligula
Period: Early Imperial / Julio-Claudian
Date: ca. AD 40
Portrait of Vespasian
Period: Early Imperial / Flavian
Dates: ca. AD 70
The Flavian Amphitheater (The Colosseum)
Site: Rome
Country: Italy
Period: Early Imperial / Flavian
Dates: ca. AD 70-80
The Arch of Titus
Site: Rome
Period: Early Imperial / Flavian
Dates: AD 81
Portrait of Trajan
Period: Imperial
Dates: AD 98-117
The Pantheon
Site: Rome
Country: Italy
Period: Imperial / Hadrianic
Dates: ca. AD 125
Pantheon - interior
Site: Rome
Country: Italy
Period: Imperial / Hadrianic
Dates: ca. AD 125
Portrait of Hadrian
Period: Imperial / Hadrianic
Dates: ca. AD 117-138
The Tetrarchs
Period: Late Roman / Tetrarchy
Dates: ca. AD 305
Arch of Constantine
Site: Rome
Country: Italy
Period: Late Roman
Dates: ca. AD 315